Contract Forms

Small Business Contract Forms Creation

Outbound Contracts

A small business should have a standard set of contract forms it uses to conduct its business. At Strachan Law we call these forms outbound contracts, because they are generated by the small business and provided outward from the small business to other parties.  These outbound contracts typically include the customer contracts used by the small business to sell its products, services and/or technology. Whatever the small business is selling, it should have a contract to cover the terms and conditions related to that sale. And these standard sales forms should be reasonable and in a form generally accepted by the customers of the small business. We also believe your customers should not be bogged down by a lengthy or complicated contract when such language is unnecessary.

Your standard set of contract forms may also include product or services purchase agreements, order forms, purchase schedules, letters of intent and may include technology agreements such as license and hosting agreements. Many small businesses also have standard non-disclosure agreements, employment-related contracts and consulting contracts.

Strachan Law can help you to create contract forms that are scalable, straightforward and built to last!

Small Business Contract Forms Review

Outbound Contracts

All the forms used by the small business owner should be consistent with the most current products, services and/or technology the small business is offering. Using outbound contract forms with outdated terms and conditions or using forms that are no longer consistent with the business owner’s risk profile, can be a recipe for disaster for the small business.

Small businesses should review their standard forms at least once per year to ensure the contract forms are consistent with the business offerings. Small business forms should also be promptly updated when there are changes to the small business product or services offering or changes to other aspects of the business such as the small business risk profile, pricing, etc.

Strachan Law can help you to review your current set of contract forms to make sure you are using the appropriate outbound contract forms.

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